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Hip Hop

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Length of Classes: Beginning classes are 45 minutes - Advanced classes are 1 hour


Class Attire:  

  • NO crop tops or tank tops - No bare midriffs - NO sweatshirts - NO jeans, shorts or skirts

  • NO jewelry - small studded earrings only - NO watches, necklaces, rings etc


  • GIRLS - All hair pulled up away from face - bun, braid, ponytail

  • T-shirts that stay tucked in while dancing

  • Leggings or sweat pants that don’t drag on the ground


Shoes Needed: Black converse style shoes - low top with white laces and white toe - an off brand is totally fine - amazon carries an off brand


How are classes run:   We start class off with a 5-10 min stretch then move onto some technique. After that we move on to learning our dances


How many dances will you learn: The dancers will learn 4 dances in all.  Two  learned in the fall and two in the spring.


How many performances are there:  In December they perform both dances at a winter recital.  In the spring our big spring recital in May.  


Costume Info: 

  • Costume for the winter performances is the Becky's Dance Co. performance shirt , BDC leggings, white socks, required hip hop converse shoes, hair all pulled up in a pony tail.  All of which is purchased from Becky’s Dance Co.  

  • The Costume for spring performances will be ordered to go with our spring recital theme and costume fees will pay for it. 

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